Sew Very Happy

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I sewed this! No, it's not perfect and yes, it might be a little silly, but it is mine and I sewed it! :) I can't take credit for the idea however. That would belong to Kate over at See Kate Sew. I'm trying to get into doing crafts again, because I miss it so much! And I know I will need creative outlets to deal with my stress. I started small with this project. It was perfect for beginning my crafting streak again. Sewing is NOT like riding a bike, I learned. It takes a while to remember the basics. And then I'm gonna hafta teach myself more advanced stuff. But until then, I'm gonna wear my little pink riding hoodie and sing "I Feel Pretty" into my hairbrush. :D

(After looking at her tutorial again, I think I shall iron the ruffle down so it doesn't stick up quite so much! lol)

I linked up over at Key Lime Digital Designs blog.

key lime

1 pieces of love:

Kimberly T. said...

Yeah for getting back on the crafting wagon!

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