I Heart...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

this collage! And all the things in it! I had soooo much fun making it.... I hope to do it again sometime. :) You know, I find so many things on the Internet that I find inspiring- crafts, people, quotes- and I always have hoped that someday I could be that inspiring. Tonight, however, I inspired myself to make this collage....and I'm inspired by looking at it. So, maybe then, the noble quest may not to inspire others to do great things, but maybe it's to inspire yourself to do great things. That in turn, might inspire someone, but even if it doesn't, you have changed yourself. 

Whoa. On that deep, thoughtful note, I'm going to bed. :)

1 pieces of love:

The Creational Princess said...

Hello Sierra! I really like the style of your collage above. Could You please tell me how you make it? Thank you from The Creational Princess (Brigina)

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